After four years of intense work and multidisciplinary collaboration, the RECOVER project has established itself as…
The scientific journal Nature reports on the study Modulation of biofilm can enhance the activity of…
Enhancing earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) tolerance to plastic contamination through gut microbiome fortification with plastic-degrading microorganisms. We…
Microplastics threaten the effectiveness of earthworm-produced biofertilisers A new study reveals that microplastics not only harm…
One of the pioneering lines of work of the RECOVER project focuses on obtaining microbial consortia…
Frontiers in Microbiology : Development of plastic-degrading microbial consortia by induced selection in microcosms In this link you…
The Effects of Agricultural Plastic Waste on the Vermicompost Process and Health Status of Eisenia fetida…
Innovative Biotic Symbiosis for Plastic Biodegradation to Solve their End-of-Life Challenges in the Agriculture and Food…
Plastics are synthetic polymers derived from petroleum that have displaced natural products due to their intrinsic…
On 21 March, the international Agrotech conference was held on the theme of sustainability and innovation…
3 February Patrizia Cinelli, University of Pisa, Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering, Pisa, Italy, participate…
Circular models to tackle plastic pollution end-of-life challenge for plastics …
Since the project started in June 2020, the consortium’s activity has focused on identifying the major…
On 12th and 13th May a technical meeting was held in Montecassiano – Macerata – Italy,…
The 8th International Conference on Bio-based and biodegradable Polymers will be held in Alicante, Spain, from…
On 22nd and 23rd June, the 24M General Assembly was held in Orihuela ( Escuela Politécnica Superior…
On June 6th, EntoGreen organized the first Workshop of the RECOVER project. We addressed the key…
Almost after 2 years from the beginnig of Recover, one of the most complex phases begins…
2nd PRESS RELEASE – Insects, earthworms, and enzymes work in combination to tackle plastic pollution
Circular models to tackle plastic pollution Globally, 360 million tons of plastic are produced annually –…
On February 24th, we held the first review meeting, for the evaluation of the first 18…
Let’s have a look at the activities carried out by the UMH team in their labs.…
We are proud to appear on the EU Research and Innovation Magazine, where are available all…
RECOVER at Webinar “L’agricoltura Sostenibile” RECOVER will be introduced during the webinar “L’Agricoltura Sostenibile” by Ing.…
It has already been 18 months since the RECOVER BBI-JU project began. 18 months of intense…
Read our contribution on COPA COGECA newsletter, the European farmers and agri-cooperatives. Many interesting updates about…
RECOVER researchers from University of Almeria, University Miguel Hearnandez and the SME ENTOGREEN participated in a…
RECOVER presence on OPEN ACCESS GOVERNAMENT continues After our first publication on the STAKEHOLDER PLATFORM ,…
Did you miss our webinar “Three projects one solution: the power of enzymes” ? Do not…
Is your business involved into the MANUFACTURER sector, or are you a WASTE TREATMENT company, or…
SHARING KNOWLEDGE AMONG BBI-JU projects On June 16, professor Maria J. Lopez, Project Coordinator of the…
Plastics present significant environmental problems due to their resistance to degradation. In recent years there has…
RECOVER has been part of the work prepared by the research group of the University of…
RECOVER is member of the Biorefine Cluster Europe network, managed by the University of Ghent. Founded…