WEBINAR: Biotechnological tools to promote the degradation of microplastics in composting and vermicomposting

On 30th November, in the framework of the webinar organised by the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and sponsored by the Spanish Composting Network, María José López López – coordinator of the Project RECOVER- will explain “Herramientas biotecnológicas para promover la degradación de microplásticos en compostaje y vermicompostaje: El proyecto RECOVER”- “Biotechnological tools to promote the degradation of microplastics in composting and vermicomposting: The RECOVER project”. The talks will be in Spanish.

The timetable is from 16:00 to 18:00 and will consist of 4 short presentations (20 minutes) on the presence of microplastics in waste materials, degradation of these microplastics during waste treatment processes, the presence of microplastics in soil and techniques for the determination of microplastics in complex matrices.

In addition, a European proposal on microplastics will be presented in the webinar.

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