Prof. Patrizia Cinelli, UNIPI

Prof. Patrizia Cinelli, UNIPI

Partrizia Cinelli is associate professor of Pisa University for applied chemistry and Materials Technology at Master Degree student of Construction Engineering and Architecture at Pisa University, and master degree students of Materials and Nanotechnology. She was researcher at Inter University Consortium of Materials Science and Technology, and then researcher at National Research Council (CNR), Institute for the Physical and Chemical processes (IPCF) unit of Pisa.

She graduated in Chemistry at the University of Florence, and then achieved a PhD in Chemistry at Pisa University partly performed at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Peoria, IL, USA. 20 years of experience in materials science, polymer processing and characterization, biodegradation and life cycle assessment. She is co-author of over 70 papers in peer-reviewed journal, 9 book chapters, and 8 patents on innovative materials, with a scopus h-index of 25, and 2102 citations. She has worked in over 15 EC project from FP5, FP6, FP7 and Horizon 2020, directly following writing, scientific activity, and reporting. She is currently coordinator of the Horizon2020 project ECOAT GA 837863 BBI.2018.SO3.R9 started the 1st May 2019.

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